Jan 26, 2022

My Favorite Work From My First Front-end Dev Job

As I mentioned on my work history page, I used to work for NexusBond, a leading digital agency in the UK. This post contains the most beautiful websites I have participated in, in my opinion. They are beautiful both in design and concept. I took part in about 30 projects (personal count) during my time in this company. But here are 4 of my favorite ones.

Camden Beauty Spa

This website is absolutely stunning! As the Lead Designer handed me this project in Figma, I was super excited to make it. The theme, the image choices, and the editing were spot on. This beauty & med spa website is the definition of itself. There were a few challenges in making the front end of this website. But when I overcame them and saw the results, I felt proud. I enjoyed working on this website a lot.


Real Estate Development showcase with a serious theme. I handled some of the initial designs of the website. But the client already had a clear vision and guidelines on their branding. I love the provision of clarity in the design, and I enjoyed creating the final structure. It's very minimal yet effective, showcasing their work beautifully.

Pathfinders Specialist & Complex Care

While we're on a roll on the theme of beauty, this project was a great privilege for me to make. Pathfinders are filled with people with beautiful jobs, caring for beautiful people. This website showcases their different services to patients with various needs. I felt a lot of pressure doing this project because I eagerly wanted to make the best for them and their patients. As a result, the presentation of this website achieved a clean and comforting feel.

Meraki Restaurant - London

In these last two projects, I only participated in a limited amount. But I enjoyed it regardless. For Meraki London, I helped create the webpage and the menu. It looks slightly different now, of course. What I appreciate the most about this project is the exquisite photography of their food and restaurant.

As I said, I had taken part in 30 projects, but these 4 really stand out to me. I hope you enjoyed reading and make sure to visit these sites. Maybe you will need their services too. 


WordPress (Oxygen, WPBakery)

Advanced CSS

WordPress PHP

McDonn Michael

McDonn Michael

Main author and creator inspired by development and gaming.

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