Jan 07, 2022

Stranger Danger App - Prototype

Stranger Danger is one of my college projects where I first discovered Firebase and its flexible capabilities. The initial goal of this prototype was to help detect people that could go missing or get in trouble in the streets. Hence, the name.

To create this app, I used basic web and Android development. And for data storage, I used Firebase Realtime Database(2019). The Android app is what the potential missing persons will use when they report an emergency. When the app triggers, it notifies the police admin, the Web app, of the location of where the victim might be.

Essentially, it's a 911 call without the need for the call. A more mobile approach to emergencies. It also has a silent and a loud alarm feature on the app, whichever will be needed to use depending on the situation.

Currently, It still needs further study. The possible implementation of better features using more modern technologies.


Web Development

Android Development

Firebase Realtime Database

McDonn Michael

McDonn Michael

Main author and creator inspired by development and gaming.

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